***WARNING EXTREME COMPLAINING IN THIS POST!!!So folks reading my blog may have thought I seemed a little too peppy about my experience building with Ryan homes. Well that all ended this past week when 2 things happened:
(1) Like many others in the Ryan Homes blogging community, our original SR left the company. She was great and I actually enjoyed dealing with her :( Our community now has two fill-in SRs. From the beginning of this process we told Ryan that we could not close/move until May. Low and behold last week I received a letter stating that our closing date would be April 17th. I contacted one of the new SRs who proceeded to tell me that she didn't think they could push back the date. I quickly reminded her that the May closing was the plan all along (it's even in our purchase agreement). We are not using NVR (I work for a large bank and the employee benefits/rate outweigh any NVR incentive) so at this point our lender would not be ready for a closing in less than 30 days anyways. Supposedly I will hear back tomorrow if they will accommodate our request. Not happy!
(2) We got an email from the SR that another buyer toured our home and just LOVED our exterior color selections so much that they selected the same for their home not too far from our lot! Now, I know that we don't have exclusivity on home colors...but we went out of our way to select something that was different so that our house would stand out. I can't imagine walking into a community...seeing a house that I like and then building the same thing down the street. I realize this isn't entirely Ryan Homes' problem, but I would have appreciated a little deterrence of this type of behavior! Maybe the new buyer will see this post and reconsider...
On a brighter note, our realtor tells me that the house looks FABULOUS...cabinets and tile are in and they will put in counter tops this week. Cross your fingers that our closing issues get resolved quickly...